




Anthony John Spencer Spearing教授,美国人,1993年获波兰西里西亚理工大学采矿工程博士学位,现任成人直播平台-成人直播大全 采矿工程系全职教授,博士生导师。此前,其曾担任澳大利亚科廷大学西澳矿业学院副院长、院长和卡尔古利校区负责人,南伊利诺伊大学Carbondale分校采矿和矿物资源工程系代理主任,Master Builders Technology/Degussa公司(现隶属于BASF)地下建设产业群采矿事业部负责人,Excel Mining Systems公司(现隶属于Minova, Orica)研发部负责人,英美资源公司黄金事业部(现为AngloGold Ashanti)负责岩石力学和矿震业务的高级采矿工程师等。

Spearing教授长期致力于地下矿山岩石力学工程及充填开采方面的教学与科研工作,在井下巷道支护与测试理论、方法和装备方面取得了显著的研究成果,揭示了复杂矿井环境对巷道支护系统性能的影响机理,建立了深井巷道围岩柔性支护理论,提出了深井巷道弹性支护技术,开发了注浆锚杆(索)全长锚固力测试方法,形成了深部大断面硐室(巷道)支护工程设计方法,相关研究得到了南非、美国和澳大利亚等国家的20余个项目支持。其还开发了首个可屈服矿柱支护系统与充填开采系统,并在900 m深的Randfontein Estates金矿得到成功应用,取得了十分显著的经济与社会效益。

Spearing教授已在Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering、International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences等国际权威期刊或会议上发表学术论文80余篇,出版国际岩石力学学会的《Rock Mechanics and Engineering》丛书(第四卷)等学术论著6部,获授权美国、澳大利亚、波兰和南非等国际专利6项,且这些专利已被成果转化进行商业化生产,并销售和应用到美国、南非和澳大利亚等多个国家的矿山企业。他还被南非采矿和冶金协会授予银奖2项。

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Professor Spearing, an US citizen, PhD of Mining Engineering from Technical University of Silesia, is a full time professor of School of Mines in CUMT. Before this, he held various positions with the WA School of Mines, Curtin University: Deputy Director, Director and Director of the Kalgoorlie Campus. He was Acting and Interim Head of Department of the Mining and Mineral Resources Engineering at Southern Illinois University Carbondale; Director of Mining for the Underground Construction Group of Master Builders Technology/Degussa (now owned by BASF); Director of Research and Development of Excel Mining Systems (now owned by Minova, Orica) and Senior Divisional Mining Engineer responsible for rock mechanics and seismic operations on Anglo American Corp Gold Division (now AngloGold Ashanti).

Professor Spearing has a long career in the teaching and scientific research of rock mechanics engineering and backfill mining in underground mines. He has made remarkable achievements in the theory, method and equipment of underground roadway support and testing. Specifically, he established a flexible support theory of the surrounding rock of roadway in deep underground mines, developed a yielding support technology for the roadway in deep underground mines, proposed a testing method for the anchorage force of grouting bolt/cable, and finally created a design method for the support engineering of the deep large section chamber (roadway). These researches have been sponsored by more than 20 projects from countries including South Africa, US and Australia. He also developed the first yield pillar support system and backfill mining system which was successfully implemented in the 900 m-deep Randfontein Estates Gold Mine. It achieved remarkable economic and safety benefits.

Professor Spearing has published more than 80 academic papers in highly international prestigious scientific journals or conferences, such as Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering and International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. He has published 6 academic books and book chapters, e.g.《Rock Mechanics and Engineering》series (volume 4) organised by the International Society of Rock Mechanics. He was granted 6 international patents mainly in US, Australia, Poland and South Africa. These patents have been commercialized and industrialized, and then sold and applied to mining enterprises in US, South Africa, Australia and other countries. He was awarded two silver medals from the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.

Email: [email protected]